Kernal : The Heart of OS
The KERNAL was initially written for the Commodore PET by John Feagans, who introduced the idea of separating the BASIC routines from the operating system. It was further developed by several people, notably Robert Russell added many of the features for the VIC-20 and the C64.
In computing Kernal is the main component of most operating system. The kernal also known as the heart of an OS.It is working as a bridge between the application and the actual data processing done at the hardware level.
As a collection of programs written in 'C language' that directly interact with hardware and most of manages the task like memory management , task scheduling, process management, Device management and file management, etc ....but the kernal is a program that constitutes the central core of the computer OS.It has complete control over everything that occurs in the system.
When the system starts, the kernal is being first loaded into the memory during the boot time and it should be remains their for the entire duration of the computer session, because the services of the kernal requires continuously. The kernal is the part of OS which is responsible for all other operations.
Unix kernal is directly above the hardware kernal manages all hardware devices and controls programs run on the computer it is loaded into the memory when system is booted.
How Kernal works?
When a computer boots up, it goes through some initialization functions (Like Memory checking). Then it loads the kernal and switch the control to it. Then the kernal starts up all the required processes needed to communicate with the user and the rest of the environment (e.g. LAN).
The kernal itself does not interact directly with the user but rather interacts with the shell and other programs as well as with the hardware device on the system including the CPU, Memory and Disk drive.A kernal can be contrasted with a, which is the program that interacts with user commands.